Second Majors
Students Enrolled in Penn Engineering
Second Major in the College of Arts & Sciences: Some Penn Engineering students may wish to consider a second major in the College of Arts & Sciences as an alternative to a dual degree. All College majors are open to engineering students (both BSE and BAS) as a second major. It is important to note that this program results in a single degree (from Penn Engineering) with two majors, one in Engineering and one in Arts & Sciences. Students interested in pursuing a second major in the College should contact directly the department that offers the major. Engineering students can also earn dual majors within Penn Engineering, or dual degrees with other schools at Penn.
Students Enrolled in the College of Arts & Sciences
Second Major in Penn Engineering: College students can apply for a second major in the programs listed below. This will result in a single degree from the College with two majors. To enroll, students must complete the Application for a Second Major for Non-SEAS Students. Follow the links to see the requirements for each second major: