Penn Engineering Weekly
SEAS Weekly 03-03-25
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Announcement for the week| Events (Engineering)| Events (Penn)| Scholarships & Grants Opportunities| Career & Networking Opportunities| Clubs & Organizations| Engineering Entrepreneurship| View Previous Issue
Date | Event |
March 8th – 16th | Spring Term Break |
March 17th | Classes resume |
March 21st | Grade Type Change Deadline |
March 24th – April 7th | Advance Registration for Fall Term |
March 24th | Registration for Summer Session Begins |
March 31st | Last Day to withdraw from a course |
April 30th | Last day of classes |
May 1st – 4th | Reading Days |
May 5th – 13th | Final Examinations |
May 13th | Spring Term ends |
May 17th | Alumni Day |
May 19th | Commencement |
Announcements for the week
Orientation Peer Advisor (OPA) Applications are now OPEN!
The 2025 OPA Applications will open for students to apply by Sunday, March 9th, 2025. OPAs are essential to new student orientation and help our new students feel welcome. OPAs are Engineering upperclassmen who are trained to mentor incoming students and assist with course selection and general questions. This is a great opportunity to get involved!
Click here to apply
Penn’s Public Interest Technology Initiative
The Fire PIT chat series is an opportunity for Penn students to participate in discussions with individuals who have worked at the forefront of technology policy. These discussions explore the relationship between law, technology, and the humanities, with a focus on how these disciplines work with and can learn from each other. Below is the information about two upcoming virtual Fire PIT chats.
-Matt Perault, Head of AI Policy, Andreessen Horowitz. Matt has worked in senior policy positions at Meta and directed technology policy centers at Duke and the University of North Carolina. In the fall, he joined Andreessen Horowitz as their Head of AI Policy, where he leads AI policy initiatives with a focus on Andreessen Horowitz’s “little tech” vision.
Wednesday, March 5th
At 12:00 pm
Click here to register
-April Chen, Director of Responsible AI Measurement at Microsoft; Former Assistant Director for Data, White House Office of Science & Technology Policy. April is currently the Director of Responsible AI Measurement at Microsoft. Prior to starting this position, she was the Assistant Director for Data in the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy. In that role, she advised on the development and implementation of the Biden Administration’s policy priorities, including racial and economic equity, climate change, and infrastructure.
Monday, March 31st
At 12:00 pm
Click here to register
Physician Shadowing Program
Penn’s Wharton Undergraduate Healthcare Club is implementing a shadowing program for pre-medical undergraduates at Penn. Students can apply to physician(s) of their interest whom they can be matched to — WUHC has already handled the outreach process, so all students have to do is apply! The application is due on Friday, 3/7, at 11:59 pm, and the program will run from March to May. Scan the QR code below to apply.
Events (Engineering)
The Harold Berger Distinguished Award Lecture
The Harold Berger Distinguished Lecture and Award, named in honor of the Honorable Harold Berger, is awarded biennially by the School of Engineering and Applied Science to a technological innovator who has made a lasting contribution to the quality of our lives. Special emphasis is given to the societal and economic significance of an advance.
Wednesday, March 19th
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm, with a reception to follow
Wu &Chen Auditorium, Levine Hall
Learn more about the Berger Lecture here
Events (Penn)
i care Training for Students
Wellness at Penn is excited to offer an i care training for STUDENTS on Sunday, March 30th from 1-4 PM in Hall of Flags, Houston Hall. Undergrad/grad/professional students are welcome to join. This is a great opportunity for students to learn skills and resources to help their peers in moments of stress, distress, and crisis. Lunch will be provided, and prizes will be raffled!
Sunday, March 30th
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Houston Hall
Click here to register
Virtual Housing Fair
Virtual Housing Fair, starting March 27, 24×7. Students can search for off-campus living opportunities. Click here to learn more about off-campus services.
March 27 – July 26, 2025
Click here to register
Community Co-Working Sessions
Looking for a supportive environment to gain more focus, structure, and accountability in getting your work done? Join us for weekly co-working sessions (two 60-minute independent study sessions with snacks, goal sharing, and short breaks) at the Weingarten Center in Stouffer Commons.
Tuesdays and Fridays starting on February 4th
2:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Weingarten Center in Stouffer Commons
Click here to register
Virtual Survivor Support Space for Spring
Penn Violence Prevention and the Penn Women’s Center are collaborating to create a virtual space for survivors and allies to receive support and community. We are starting the Virtual Support Space back up for the Spring semester! I’m reaching out to ask for your support in sharing the attached flyer about our Virtual Survivor Support Space with your communities via your newsletters, social media, and physical spaces.
Tuesdays 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm, Starting on January 28th
Zoom Sessions
Click here to register
Scholarships & Grants Opportunities
Career Services Summer Funding program
Career Services has funds to allow select students to pursue unfunded or under-funded summer opportunities. Awards are intended to cover travel expenses, living expenses, and/or other expenses related to the summer experience up to $5,000.
The round 2 application deadline is March 23rd. Click here to learn more about this opportunity.
Identifying Funding Opportunities – Pivot Information Session
The OVPR is now providing a powerful new resource to help researchers identify funding opportunities. PIVOT-RP is a funding opportunity database that easily allows researchers to customize their search for funding based on discipline, career stage, interest, location, and other categories. This information session will walk the Penn research community through how to access and search the database and leverage additional tools like customizing automatic notifications for relevant funding opportunities.
Thursday, March 6th
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm (Virtual)
Click here to register
Funded Research Opportunities for Faculty and Students
Interested in getting to know more funded Research opportunities? The Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships connects faculty and students in support of these transformative experiences through three signature funding opportunities for undergraduates:
Jumpstart for Juniors Program
Provides funding to both a student and a faculty mentor for a research project in the summer between a student’s third and fourth years
Applications due Monday, March 17, 2025
While these programs require the involvement of a standing faculty member, we welcome proposals from collaborative teams that include non-standing faculty.
Questions about any of these programs can be addressed to Ann Vernon-Grey in the Center for Undergraduate Research and Fellowships.
University Research Foundation Award
The University Research Foundation (URF) is an intramural funding program that provides up to $75,000 for research projects and up to $5,000 for conference support. The URF provides seed funding for up to one year for research activities that are expected to lead to external sponsorship and/or peer-reviewed research publications. Conference support grants are faculty-developed events that take place on Penn’s campus.
During Fall 2024, the OVPR reviewed 83 applications (over $4.2 million in requests) from across campus. Four review panels consisting of 33 faculty reviewers assessed proposals in four categories: Humanities, Social Sciences and Management, Natural Sciences and Engineering, and Biomedical Sciences. A total of 56 new projects were recommended for funding, totaling $2,595,003.
The next cycle for the Fall 2025 URF program will open in late August, with a proposal deadline of October 9, 2025.
2025 Call for proposals-PPA Research Support
As part of its commitment to a carbon-neutral campus by 2042, the University of Pennsylvania entered into a power purchase agreement (PPA) with energy company AES to develop solar arrays that would generate enough energy to fulfill 70% of the campus and health system electricity needs. Under the PPA, AES is generously supporting related educational efforts at Penn through the PPA Renewable Energy Research Program run by the Environmental Innovations Initiative.
Now through March 15, 2025, we are accepting proposals for grant support for education and/or training associated with the technical, operational, and economic aspects of renewable energy and energy storage. Funded projects may include research directly related to the AES solar energy project or projects and activities focused more broadly on education and training related to renewable energy in all its aspects.
For more information and to submit a proposal, visit here
Career & Networking Opportunities
Milwaukee Tool Day at Penn Engineering
Milwaukee Tool is coming to Penn Engineering! We’ll be joined by Penn alumni working at the company as Robotics and Reliability Engineers. Stop by Levine Lobby between 11 am and 2 pm to learn about exciting career opportunities, and return at 5:30 pm for a Tech Talk in Wu & Chen Auditorium. Our alumni will give insight into how machine learning and robotics play a part in their work, and they’ll give us an overview of a day-in-the-life of a reliability engineer.
Tuesday, March 4,
11 am-2 pm and 5:30 pm-6:30 pm,
Levine Lobby and Wu & Chen Auditorium
Click here to register
Computational Health Informatics Program (CHIP) – Summer 2025 Internship Opportunity
The Computational Health Informatics Program (CHIP) at Boston Children’s Hospital & Harvard Medical School extends an invitation to students in college and graduate school and alumni to apply for the upcoming Summer 2025 internship as part of its inaugural cohort with a paid or course/thesis credit option (applications due February 28). For over 30 years, our faculty have been recognized by and advise various institutions, including the White House, the CDC, the US Department of State, USAID, NASA, and many others.
The internship application and further information/details may be found at:
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at
Summer Job – Penn GEM
It’s that time of year again. Penn GEMS is happening this summer: June 23 – June 27, 2025, and we need counselors.
Counselors are needed from 8:30 am -4:30 pm each day and will be paid for their time and provided lunch.
We are looking for energetic, enthusiastic, creative and fun students who like working with preteens and teens. The middle school students who are coming to this camp really look up to you and are intrigued and excited about engineering.
Please send in your resume and complete the form as soon as possible. A resume is required. Please upload to the Google form. Once the form is received, I will be in touch with you to set up a meeting to discuss GEMS. This opportunity is open for ALL engineering undergrad students. Please circulate within your community and contact with any questions.
For more information about the Penn GEMS program, check out Penn GEMS
Clubs & Organizations
There are many Engineering Student Clubs and Organizations Besides ESAC, EDAB, and Penn Engineering Council. Check here to find more groups for specific interests and disciplines.
Engineering Entrepreneurship
More information about Engineering Entrepreneurship
- Follow them on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, & X/Twitter.
- Tag on these platforms @PennEngEntrep with your own posts.
- Join their subscription-based semi-monthly email to notify you of entrepreneurship-related events, competitions, opportunities and more. If you wish to receive this type of information, please visit and then click on “ask to join the group” (Image). You have the option to unsubscribe at any time as well and this is completely optional. Emails will be sent on the second and last Wednesday of every month.
Advising Information:
Important Academic Links:
- Undergraduate Handbook (Policies and Procedures)
- Penn’s 3-year Academic Calendar
- University Resources with Hub@Penn
Internal Transfer & Dual Degree
Current Penn undergraduate students in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences may apply to transfer into or pursue a dual degree with the Wharton School. For more information, click here.
Want to post an event or opportunity?
Complete the SEAS Weekly Request Form. Requests are due no later than 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday for posting the following week.
Academic Integrity Reminder
Please remember that all students must follow the Code of Academic Integrity. As noted, “If a student is unsure whether his action(s) constitute a violation of the Code of Academic Integrity, then it is that student’s responsibility to consult with the instructor to clarify any ambiguities”.
Code of Conduct Reminder
All students are expected to know and follow the University’s Code of Conduct and Code of Academic Integrity. SEAS students are expected to read and understand the following professional codes of ethics:
- ABET Code of Ethics of Engineers
- IEEE Code of Ethics
- NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers
- ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
Crisis Support
Student Support Resources
Wellness at Penn: Student Health and Counseling
- Call 215-746-WELL (9355) to speak with a medical or mental health provider 24/7.
- Visit a mental health professional at one of our Let’s Talk locations across campus.
Other Helpful Penn Resources
- Office of Academic Services: Towne 109 or email
- Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Towne 220, phone: 215-898-7246
- Weingarten Center: 215-573-9235
- Student Health Service: 215-746-3535
- Student Counseling Services: 215-898-7021
- University Chaplain’s Office: 215-898-8456
- Student Financial Services: 215-898-1988
- Department of Public Safety
- University Life: 215-898-6081
- HELP Line: 215-898-HELP (215-898-4357)
- Penn Libraries:
Previous Issues:
- Penn Eng Weekly 02-24-25
- Penn Eng Weekly 02-17-25
- Penn Eng Weekly 02-10-25
- Penn Eng Weekly 02-03-25
- Penn Eng Weekly 01-27-25
- Penn Eng Weekly 01-20-25
- Penn Eng Weekly 01-13-25
- PennEng Weekly 12-09-24
- Penn Eng Weekly 12-02-24
- Penn Eng Weekly 11-25-24
- Penn Eng weekly 11-18-24