SEAS weekly 11-11-24
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Announcement for the week| Events (Engineering)| Events (Penn)| Scholarships & Grants Opportunities| Career & Networking Opportunities| Clubs & Organizations| Engineering Entrepreneurship| View Previous Issue
Important Dates:
Date | Event |
October 28 – November 11 | Advance Registration For Spring Term |
November 28 – December 1 | Thanksgiving Break |
December 2 | Classes resume |
December 9 | Last day of Fall classes |
December 10-11 | Reading Days |
December 12-19 | Final Exams |
December 19 | Fall Term ends |
Announcements for the week
Survivor Support Space
Penn Violence Prevention and the Penn Women’s Center are collaborating to create a virtual space for survivors and allies to receive support and community.
Monday, November 11th
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Via Zoom
Click here to register
2025 The Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) UNHCR Student Challenge Registration is Open!
CIEE is pleased to collaborate once again with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, to call on student leaders from across the globe to present their solution ideas to support increasing access to higher education and livelihood for forcibly displaced youth around the world. Student leaders from across the globe present their solution ideas to support increasing access to higher education and livelihood for forcibly displaced youth around the world. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights, and building a better future for refugees, forcibly displaced communities, and stateless people.
The winning team will earn a CIEE-facilitated global internship in summer 2026 and an opportunity to have their solution ideas selected to be shared with UNHCR and their networks. Student team registration is open until February 7, 2025. Registration is now open for the 3rd Annual CIEE UNHCR Student Challenge. Register early to secure your spot! Questions? Email us at
New Course — MPHY 5000: Introduction to Global Oncology
This course provides an introduction to global oncology in the areas of medicine, physics, and engineering. Regional differences related to epidemiology, social factors, health policy and resources/access to cancer care will be presented. Global organizations, clinical trials and the use of AI in medicine will also be discussed. This course will include faculty presentations (from Penn and faculty abroad), journal discussions and student presentations. Although this course has a focus on oncology, it is open to all Penn graduate and undergraduate students interested in global health.
Offered Spring, 1 CU
Fulfills SEAS Social Science
Course Instructor: Stephen Avery, PhD
The Percentage Project Survey
The Percentage Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that seeks to help departments and students within computer science and CS-related disciplines better understand the current status of student experiences. Every year, we work with students from across the country to collect anonymous survey data on computer science education and uncover what it’s really like to be underrepresented in tech. We encourage reflection and conversation on the state of students of all backgrounds and use data to drive progress toward more inclusive and equitable technology education. If you have taken any CIS classes at Penn, and are in a CIS-related degree (any engineering discipline, CIS BAS, CIS Minor, LGIC, MATH, etc.), please fill out the survey so we can make sure the CIS department is best serving Penn students!
Click here to complete the survey (November 4th – November 22nd)
Events (Engineering)
OAS Academic Advising
During the advance registration period, we want to encourage you to schedule a meeting with your academic advisor. This is a great opportunity to discuss your academic goals, plan your course schedule, and ensure you’re on track for your degree. Undergraduate Walk-in Advising is available Mondays – Thursdays 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM. You will find more information on the OAS Advising website.
Internal Transfer & Dual Degree
Current Penn undergraduate students in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences may apply to transfer into or pursue a dual degree with the Wharton School. For more information, click here.
Information Session 1
Wednesday, November 13
at 3:30 pm
Click here to register
Information Session 2
Monday, December 2
at 5:50 pm
Click here to register
Events (Penn)
Passport Finale Event
Completed 7 or more stamps and selfies on your Penn Libraries passport? Come to the Weigle Information Commons in Van Pelt to celebrate! Claim your limited-edition water bottle, personalize it, and enjoy some snacks. If you haven’t finished your passport or you’re tagging along with a friend, come and enjoy snacks instead.
Tuesday, November 12th
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Weigle Information Commons Rooms and Booths,
Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center, First Floor
Click here to register
Community Co-Working for Undergraduates
The goal of this program is to help students gain structure and accountability in getting their work done. These sessions are completely optional, and students are not required to sign up for all of the sessions. Students can attend any sessions they would like, but they do need to register (and they can register with the QR code on the attached flyer). Each session will be 2 ½ hours (10 minutes of intro/goal sharing, two 1-hour timed working sessions, a 10-minute wellness break in between the timed sessions, and a 5-minute wrap-up – with snacks provided:). The concept of body doubling for productivity is geared toward students with ADHD, but of course all students are welcome to attend.
Every Friday, September 27th to November 22nd
1:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Weingarten Center
Click here to register
Platt House Open House at Homecoming Weekend
Stop by Platt House during Homecoming Weekend! There will be snacks, crafts for little kids and all grown up kids, and tours of Platt House spaces, including our Lobby, Cabaret Stage, and Rehearsal Rooms. We hope to see you there!
Saturday, November 16th
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Platt House
Global Experiences Panel

Penn Global Seminars Spring 2025
Penn Global Seminars combine intensive semester-long study with a short-term travel component that deepens your understanding of concepts discussed in the classroom. Applications are now open for Spring 2025! The deadline to apply is November 11, 2024.
More information about Penn Global Seminars can be found here.
Sign up for a Penn Global Information Session here.
Scholarships & Grants Opportunities
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
The Advancing Hispanic Excellence in Technology, Engineering, Math, and Science (AHETEMS) Scholarship Program is designed to enhance and achieve the potential of Latino students pursuing degrees in engineering, math and science. Merit-based and need-based scholarships are awarded, in the amount of $1,000 – $5,000, to deserving high school graduating seniors, undergraduate students, and graduate students who demonstrate both significant motivation and aptitude for a career in science, technology, engineering or mathematics.
Career & Networking Opportunities
Clubs & Organizations
There are many Engineering Student Clubs and Organizations Besides ESAC, EDAB, and Penn Engineering Council. Check here to find more groups for specific interests and disciplines.
Women in Computer Science (WiCS) – Annual Percentage Project Survey
The WiCS Advocacy Committee is distributing the Annual Percentage Project survey (10/23/2024 – 11/22/2024 at 11:59 PM). This survey is to help us better understand the current state of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Computer Science at Penn. You do not have to be a CIS major or minor to take the survey, you only have to have taken at least one CIS course during your time at Penn. Feel free to spread the survey through any engineering related avenue you have: clubs, courses, departments, etc. Thank you!
Engineering Entrepreneurship
More information about Engineering Entrepreneurship
- Follow them on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, & X/Twitter.
- Tag on these platforms @PennEngEntrep with your own posts.
- Join their subscription-based semi-monthly email to notify you of entrepreneurship-related events, competitions, opportunities and more. If you wish to receive this type of information, please visit and then click on “ask to join the group” (Image). You have the option to unsubscribe at any time as well and this is completely optional. Emails will be sent on the second and last Wednesday of every month.