Max Huang
Welcome to Penn! My name is Max, and I’m a rising sophomore in the VIPER program, majoring in physics and chemical and biomolecular engineering. I’m excited to be an orientation peer advisor this coming Fall. I’m an international student from Montreal, Canada. A little more about me: I play on the Penn Ultimate frisbee team, I’m an avid rock climber (you can find me at the Pottruck wall 3-4 times a week), and I work in two research labs, one in collider physics in the PennATLAS group, and the other in computational chemistry in the Penn Institute for Computational Science (PICS). What I appreciate most about Penn is the abundance of opportunities available. While I did not have the opportunity to engage in any of my current activities in high school, Penn allowed me to try something new and grow to enjoy it, and I’m confident you will do so too!
Bonnie Chen
Hello! I’m Bonnie, a junior in VIPER studying Materials Science and Engineering and Physics. I’m from Princeton, NJ and attended a public high school there where I took AP classes. Throughout my time at Penn so far, I’ve been involved in Pan-Asian Dance Troupe, Penn Dance, Science Olympiad at Penn, Physics research, Society of Women in Engineering, and I was previously a CIS 2400 (Intro to Computer Systems) TA. In my free time, I enjoy figure skating, watching dramas, getting boba, and exploring Philly! Please reach out if you have any questions about anything that I’ve mentioned. I’m so excited to get to meet you!
Yash Rajpal
Hello everyone! Congratulations on your acceptance to Penn and welcome to the Class of 2028! My name is Yash Rajpal, and I am from Chester Springs, Pennsylvania, about an hour West of Philly. I am a rising junior studying Bioengineering and Biophysics on the premed track. I also plan to minor in Public Policy and Chemistry! I am part of the VIPER program, meaning that I am a student in both the College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. VIPER is a program that specializes students studying energy research and funds internships for its students for at least two summers. On campus, I am involved in the the Medical Emergency Response Team (MERT), Access Engineering, the Netter Center, research, and the Student Committee on Undergraduate Education (SCUE). I’ve had some experience in applying to clubs, emailing professors, and choosing specific classes, so feel free to reach out to me about anything from registration to general questions about Penn!
Isa Pan
Hi everyone! My name Isa and I’m a junior in VIPER studying Chemistry and Materials Science & Engineering. In my free time, I like to try new restaurants and grabbing boba with my friends. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions you might have!