• SEAS Weekly 09-09-2024
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SEAS Weekly 09-09-2024

Jump to: Announcement for the week| Events (Engineering)| Events (Penn)| Scholarships| Career & Networking Opportunities| Clubs & Organizations| Engineering Entrepreneurship Important Dates: Date Event September 10 Course Selection Period Ends October 3-6 Fall Term Break October 7 Drop Period Ends October 28 – November 11 Advance Registration For Spring Term Announcements for the week ODEI’s […]

Weekly- TEMPLATE Fall 2024 [Draft]

Jump to: Announcements for the week| Events (Engineering) | Events(Penn) | Scholarships | Career & Networking Opportunities | Clubs & Organizations Important Dates: Date Event August 29 First Day of Classes September 4 Labor Day (no classes) September 12 Course Selection Period ends October 9 Drop Period ends October 12-15 Fall Term Break Announcements for the […]

SEAS Weekly Test

Jump to: Engineering Activities | Penn Activities | Scholarships | Paid/Unpaid Opportunities| Courses| Test Academic Integrity Reminder Please remember that all students are obligated to follow the Code of Academic Integrity. As noted, “If a student is unsure whether his action(s) constitute a violation of the Code of Academic Integrity, then it is that student’s responsibility […]

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