Undergraduate Program Contacts
Department/Program Administrator UG Curricular Chair Bioengineering (BE) Kacy Dadura Andrew Tsourkas Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE) Hannah Wright Sean Holleran Computer and Information Science (CIS) CIS Advising Office Jessica Kimpel (CIS, DMD) Rob Lee (CIS, NETS) Laura Fox (CIS) Joseph Devietti Electrical and Systems Engineering (ESE) Danielle Tadros Kopicko (EE, SSE, […]
SEAS Weekly Test
Jump to: Engineering Activities | Penn Activities | Scholarships | Paid/Unpaid Opportunities| Courses| Test Academic Integrity Reminder Please remember that all students are obligated to follow the Code of Academic Integrity. As noted, “If a student is unsure whether his action(s) constitute a violation of the Code of Academic Integrity, then it is that student’s responsibility […]