Engineering Courses

NGSS Updates: Please note due to NGSS changes this page has been updated and includes 3-digit and 4-digit course numbers.  

All undergraduate and 500-level courses (including ENGR, TCOM and NETS courses) offered by Penn Engineering can be applied as appropriate to engineering requirements. (Exceptions are listed below.) The following courses are also counted in the Engineering category: ENGR 300 or EAS 300 (max 2 CU count as engineering); Naval Science 301.

These courses DO NOT COUNT:

  • Any engineering course numbered 2960 or 2970 *
  • BE: 280, 303, 503, 513
  • CIS (CSE): 1050, 106, 1070, 1250***, 1600,  2610, 4230, 5230, 7980
  • EAS: All courses
  • ENGR: 5020
  • ENM: All courses
  • ESE: 2030, 3010, 302, 4020, 5670
  • IPD: 5090, 549, and courses cross listed with ARCH, EAS or FNAR
  • MEAM: 110, 147
  • MCIT: MCIT courses may not be taken for credit by SEAS Undergraduates.
  • MSE: 2210 cannot be used as an engineering course.


  • For students who entered Fall 2019 and earlier: dual and joint degree BAS students are allowed to count up to two non-engineering linking courses in the engineering category. At present the only linking courses approved for this substitution are MGMT 235 and MGMT 2370. Others may be approved by petition.
  • Students in the VIPER program can use VIPR 1200/1210 as an Engineering Requirement, subject to any other conditions or restrictions in a major (Also, this fulfills the Ethics Requirement for VIPER students for any major.)
  • CIS 2620 counts as an Engineering course for those entering Fall 2020 and later.
  • IMUN 6090 and REG 6180 are included as specific options for the BE concentration they are affiliated with only; and would count as either an engineering elective or tech elective.

*Please note: Red, bolded courses are not currently active. Check with the primary department to confirm course status.

* All engineering courses numbered 2970 (e.g., ESE 2970) denote engineering course credit received from study abroad that do not qualify for the “Engineering” category. These courses may NOT be used in the “Engineering” category. They may however be used in the “Technical Elective/Application Focus” category. (Please note that many engineering course credits may be earned from study abroad that count as “Engineering” category credit. In cases where no exact equivalent credit is given, a course number of 2980 will be assigned and these may be used in the Engineering category.)

*Credit  will not be issued for The Green Program (TGP) study abroad/ credit away.

*All engineering courses numbered 2960 (e.g., BE 296) denote engineering course credit received from study abroad that do not qualify for the “Engineering” category. These courses may NOT be used in the “Engineering” category. Also, they may not be used in the “Technical Elective/Application Focus” category. 2960 numbered courses may be counted as Free Elective. Also, via petition, they may be considered as Social Science.

** EAS courses below 080 may be used only as free electives.

EAS 0097 is not counted in the Engineering category, but where appropriate, may be counted (up to one course unit) in the Technical Electives category. It may also be counted as a free elective.

EAS 210 may be counted in the Technical Elective category but not in the Engineering category of the Course Planning Guide. Students majoring in EE, CTE, and SSE may not count EAS 210 in either the Engineering column nor the Technical Elective (focus) column. However, EAS 210 can be used as a Natural Science course (see NS category of the handbook).

*** If taken in Spring 2008 or earlier, CIS (CSE) 1250 may be counted, by petition, as a “TE” course; thereafter, it may be counted only as a TBS course or as a free elective.