Add or Drop a Course

NGSS  Related Updates:  Course numbering throughout the Undergraduate Student Handbook reflect transition to the new NGSS system.  3-digit course numbers that remain reflect a now inactive course that did not transition to the 4-digit course number.  Other updates include edits to processes and additional links to resources. 


Students may add a class until the end of the second full week of the semester. (Language classes under the 2000 level and writing seminars may be added only until the end of the first full week of classes.) The add period allows students to visit classes before finalizing their schedules, but students are expected to attend all classes they may wish to add in order to keep up with assignments and material. Even during the add period, instructors may restrict admission to students who have been attending regularly.

Courses may be dropped via Path@Penn  during the first five weeks of the semester. Find a helpful, quick reference guide (QRG) on how to Add/Drop/Swap courses on the University Registrar’s QRG page.